"Going deeper", the Core-Ring Model by Wilhelm Reich and Samuel Widmer
roadmap of ZEGG-Forum and element of its worldview
A text by Craig Hamilton
The principles of evolutionary culturePrinciples of evolutionary culture.pdf (118K)
Basic principles also valuable for Forum, described from the perspective of collective intelligence
Principles of Collective Intelligence.pdf (112K)
Johari Window: Luft and Ingham (1955) observed that there are aspects of our personality that we are open about and other elements we keep to ourselves. At the same time there are things that others see in us that we are not aware of. They came up with a model and called the Johari window.
It has relevance for ZEGG-Forum, as it offers a map to understand it better.
Johari’s window.pdf (130K)
A brilliant poem by Sogyal Rinpoche about life
The Old Man and the White Horse
A story challenging our believes in curse or blessings
by Max Lucado (In the Eye of the Storm)
Curse or blessing.pdf (52K)
A refreshing message by the Hopi elders 2001
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Hopi Message 2001.pdf (38K)
In Buddhism every thing and every being do not exist separately, but connected to all other things. Every part is contained within every other part. The short form for this principle is: All in one - one in all.
In 1991 the Vietnamese buddhist monch Thich Nhat Hanh formed the expression "Interbeeing" for this idea.
Interbeing.pdf (266K)
What is Rank?
Teachings from Worldwork training
Rank short.pdf (50K)
An astonishing report from a visit at ZEGG in 2009
Liberating-Love_Charlotte-Eaton.pdf (2M)
Beyond you and me: Inspirations and Wisdom for Building Community is the first anthology of readings published for students of Gaia Education’s four-week certificate course, Ecovillage Design Education (EDE)
Kosha Anja Joubert and Robin Alfred, Editors
Permanent Publications, 2007, Hampshire, UK
Available as a free download: Beyond_You_and_Me.pdf
And in printed-book form from
Permaculture Magazine’s online mail order company Green Shopping for £19.95 (about $30 in US currency), plus postage and handling for people outside the UK.